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Thursday, 14 May 2015


I remember Mom’s little box camera – a Brownie.  This little gem always enthralled me, and I always wondered whoever could invent such a miracle.  Some of my best memories of my childhood, were of me looking at all the black and white photos in the bottom drawer of her wardrobe!  Sometimes she would sit with me, and explain who the people were -  I could actually remember the names of some of them : Daphne was her good friend who passed away years later.  Then there were other friends of hers.  She used to tell me how much fun they all had going out in a group. Mom and her sister Babsie were good friends and always went out together.  They also worked at the same places, and the London Fur Company was often mentioned.  Little Linnie fantasised about these “friends”, and I tried to image myself being there sharing in their laughter and fun!  I still nostalgically wonder what happened to these photos.

The enchantment of the camera, brings to mind another occasion in my life.  I was always very fond of painting and colouring-in pictures.  There was a competition somewhere, and colouring in a picture of yachts on a lake, was the challenge. The first prize was a cine camera, and the second prize was a bicycle!  I dreamed of this bicycle and envisioned myself riding of the Ralleigh with white mudguards!  Every effort was put into the colouring of the picture.  I decided that I wouldn’t do the conventional colouring with pencils – I used Dad’s oil paints and dabbed the colours onto the paper like some great professional artist!  My aim was to win the “bike”!  The entry was mailed and Mom advised that I should forget about it  -  I’m sure she didn’t want me to be too disappointed.  About a month later, the postman came to the door and delivered a telegram in an orange envelope.  Yes, those days we had real telegrams delivered to us!  “Congratulations! You have won 1st Prize!”  Imagine how excited I was – we all jumped up and down with joy.  This Cine Camera brought me much joy and every moving thing was photographed. Many years later I bought my first brand new bike when I started working and paid a whole R55 for it!

Cameras evolved from the old fashioned ones which used films to be developed at a great cost – which we could ill afford.  Later on, some places developed the films, and they provided a boo-boo box!  These rejects didn’t have to be paid for, and in the beginning my boo-boo’s were more than the good ones!

The era of the digital camera came into being.  Louise’s good friend, Marie had a magical camera – this little gadget took pictures and one didn’t have to develop the photos!  My little brain couldn’t fathom the intricacies of this miracle, and we had such fun taking pictures, and deleting the rejects … at absolutely no expense whatever!  Laughter and pulling of faces and just having nonsense lasted many enjoyable hours!  Thanks to Marie’s little miracle!

I still have the feeling that my camera is still one of my most precious possessions,  I can understand
that artists see things and just know that they need to be painted.  I see them and realise that they are calling to be photographed!  These days our cell phones take the place of the good old faithful cameras – the reason being that we always have them with us at all times.  But, my real camera still gets dusted off periodically when we go on a holiday trip to beautiful places which just yearn to be photographed!

14 May 2O15

Monday, 4 May 2015


Ja, Fanie kan enigeen baie vertel van die mielie!
Hy het sy hele loopbaan gewy aan die boere en hul gesaaides - hy kan jou alles vertel van die grondvoorbereiding, planttyd, voedingsprogramme en natuurlik die eindproduk.
Hy het saam met die boere die lande ondersoek en saam met hulle vir reën op die regte tyd gebid.  Mens kan mos nie ànders nie – dis mos hulle inkomste en hul grootste liefde!  Sy grootste beloning en genot is en was egter, om die heerlike mielies uit te soek, blare af te stroop en dan volgens sy presies-berekende tyd te kook!  Almal in ons familie weet dat dit seker een van sy gunstelingkossoorte is, en nét hy kan so heerlik  toe-oog met plesier daaraan smul!

 Mielie video

Een ding wat my baie plesier verskaf, is om langs die strand te stap en al die wonders van die natuur
waar te neem.  Die branders wat nimmereindigend  na die strand toe rommel,  bring ‘n rustigheid in my gemoed.  Dit maak nie saak wat mens probeer om dit te keer nie, die branders sal aanhou en aanhou kom!  Met die stap op die seesand, is daar ‘n menigte klein wonderwerkies wat ek ondersoek en ek het altyd my kamera byderhand om dit vas te lê.  Stap vir stap op die sagte sand en die klank van die bruisende branders is goeie terapie vir enige rustelose siel.  Wanneer ek aan die strand dink, sien ek in my geestes-oog, hoe ons op ‘n piekniekkombers onder ‘n helderkleurige sonsambreel ons flessie koffie en houer met toebroodjies nader trek!

Toe ons Kaapse kleinkinders nog baie klein was, was hulle grootste bederf om see toe te gaan en te gaan piekniek hou.  Ek moes alles, saam met hulle, gereed kry vir ons piekniek :  fles, broodjies, koekies, lekkers, vrugte, kombers, sambreel – en natuurlik sonbrandsalfie.  Die voorbereidings was sò deel van ons plesier en die afwagting was deel van ons groot pret!  Die emmertjies en grafies moes ook saamgaan.; sandkastele moes gebou word, en gate moes gegrawe word, en hulle het darem ook uitbundig die water aangedurf  Dit was altyd groot pret en vreeslik plesierig!  Maar … die oppak en huiswaarts keer was egter nie so plesierig nie, maar beloftes vir nog ‘n strandpiekniek in die nabye toekoms, het darem getroos.


4 Mei 2O15