This morning Karen and kiddies came for a little hello! It is such a beautiful morning – we have so much to be thankful for … lovely sunshine, happy lives, contented children and families …
Talking about wonderful … well, I’ve been taking care of myself for a couple of months now, and I am really feeling very much better – I’m busy shedding some unwanted kilograms!
WOW!Talking about wonderful … well, I’ve been taking care of myself for a couple of months now, and I am really feeling very much better – I’m busy shedding some unwanted kilograms!
I planned to wear some summer clothes which have been I hibernation. The pants flap around my legs like flags, and the top feels like my gram-mas! Quite a WOW experience!
Karen took some photos of the newer ME, and I compared them with the ones we took when I started on the programme …! I shed tears of absolute joy and ecstasy! ALL worthwhile … the days when I have had to refuse the delicious and sumptuous looking goodies which were offered to me … the occasions when I’ve been eating greens instead of roasts and fries … crackers instead of oven-baked bread with melting butter oozing down the crusts ………aaaaah …………. SO worthwhile!